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Le Marche

"Always dear to me was this most solitary of hills, this hedge, that of the ultimate horizon obscured the view. I sit and gaze into untrammeled spaces, sensing there the profoundest quiet, the falling of a more than human silence created by my thoughts. It almost overwhelms me. Yet with the wind rustling in the hedge I must measure it, that voice to an eternal silence. And then would come to mind the eternal and the dead seasons, the present and the living among us and the noise they make. And into that immensity my thoughts would drown, with yet a sweetness to be lost into that sea."

(The Infinite - Giacomo Leopardi).

From the Apennines to the Adriatic, through the heart of Italy. Le Marche are Italy in one region . The Sibillini Mountains , the park of Conero , the Machiavellian rolling hills , medieval villages , the maritime cities, lakes, valleys, nature reserves, give the territory a ' heterogeneous aspect of beauty. Arts, culture and history are mixed in the plurality of this magical land. Countries of gold, surrounded by rolling hills, relive emotions long gone. Cities such as Fermo, Urbino, Camerino, Macerata and Ascoli Piceno, bring to light the ancient splendor of the "Mark" lands and noble lords.

Le Marche, a peninsula in the peninsula, have the particularity of combining nature and history, beaches and mountains, all within a few kilometers. As Dustin Hoffman said  in an advertising campaign of the Marche " You will discover the infinite ."

In addition to the numerous villages recognized as being among the most beautiful in Italy , there are many " European Blue Flag " beaches. The shores, once home to prehistoric landings, are quite varied: it goes from the rocky coast of Mount Conero to the fine sandy beaches of Porto San Giorgio, both appreciable from the flowered balcony of  the medieval village of Torre di Palme.
As if that was not enough we hold the record for the number of theaters and our territory, inhabited since the Palaeolithic period, welcomes visitors from over the whole world with its archaeological museums.
In fact, Le Marche are not only contemporary but also the past. Indigenous populations, Villanovians and Picenes, have returned countless archaeological treasures famous all over the world. Trading that the Picenes, people of the middle Adriatic, entertained with Mycenaeans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Istrians and Dalmatians have made this land international at least 3,000 years ago! In short , we in Le Marche got infinity in our heart!